
To apply for membership in Finnish Physical Society send the email to secretary(at) with following information

  • Name
  • Membership category
  • Email address
  • Home address
  • Date of Birth
  • Year of Graduation (MSc) (or indicate ‘undergraduate’)
  • Education
  • What is your connection to physics and Finland
  • Permission to receive membership info by email (YES/NO)

Membership categories and fees
The annual meeting decided membership fees in 3.3.2022:

  • Regular member (45 EUR)
  • Senior member (40 EUR)
  • Fellow member (45 EUR)
  • Junior member (15 EUR)*
  • Student member (0 EUR)**
  • Honor member (0 EUR)
  • Sponsoring member (400 EUR)***

    * Junior member = MSc degree or equivalent less than 5 years ago (2019 or later)
    ** Student member = BSc or MSc student
    *** Does not include the exhibition or participation fee to the Physics Days.

There are currently about 750 individual members in the society.  

Acceptance procedure
The applications will be examined by the board of the Finnish Physical Society. The board will decide on the acceptance of regular, junior, student, senior and sponsoring members. A persons with education and degree in physics as well as interest in physics can be accepted.   Sponsoring members are individuals or organizations who wants to effectively support the society.

To resign send a written notification to secretary(at)  The board would encourage to inform also the reason for resignation.  The members who have not paid their annual fees will be considered resigned.

EPS membership
The members of the Finnish Physical Society receive discount on the membership fee of the European Physical Society (27,50 e/year in 2019). Finnish Physical Society encourages its members to join the EPS. Information on EPS membership and how to join can be found from their webpage.