FinDiP Events

Upcoming events:

Finnish Physics Days Oulu 2025: Plenary Talk by Dr. Louise Carvalho from CERN.
More information will be added later.

Past events:

What: FinDiP annual meeting
When: 23.05.2024: 14:00
Where: Zoom –

Discussing our work, future agenda and selection of our committee for 24/25.

What: Susanna Bairoh: Yhdenvertaisuus tekniikan alalla
When: 08.04.2024: 11:30
Where: Aalto University + hybrid + projections
Ketkä kokevat kuuluvansa tekniikan alalle? Miten yhdenvertaisuus toteutuu? Tekniikan akateemiset TEKin tutkimuspäällikkö Susanna Bairoh esittelee dataa ja tutkimustuloksia liittyen yhdenvertaisuuteen tekniikan alalla.

What: Physics Days FinDiP session
When: 05.03.2024: 11:30
Where: Helsinki University
We invite all Physics Days attendees to our session on Tue, Mar 5th in F3010: Antti Tuononen, will be speaking about Aspects of accessibility and inclusion; Phil Heron and Jamie Williams will present a talk: Making science inclusive – building an accessible classroom dynamic.

What: Prof. Anna T. Danielsson: Gender, identity and culture in physics education (Physics Days plenary)
When: 05.03.2024: 10:00
Where: Helsinki University
FinDiP would like to invite everyone on the Physics Days Plenary talk of prof. Anna T. Danielsson – Gender, identity and culture in physics education. The talk will take place on Tuesday March 5th 10 am at Auditorium (F2044), University of Helsinki.

What: Wellbeing and Diversity groups at Finnish research departments
When: 27.04.2023: 14.30
Where: On-line (Contact any of our members for a zoom link)
We would like to invite you to a virtual session on diversity on Thursday 27th April, 2023 at 14.30. The idea of the session is to introduce wellbeing and diversity groups at physics research departments across Finland, so as to open up a conversation about diversity in our professional activities. If you run a wellbeing or diversity group that you would like to introduce, please get in touch with us! The session will be open to anyone who is interested. Feel free to advertise this in your circles and local department mailing lists!

What: FinDip Annual general meeting
When: 15.05.2023: 10.00-12.00
Where: On-line (Contact any of our members for a zoom link )
Diversity in Physics, Finland (FinDiP) is a working group of the Finnish Physical Society that aims to make physics (at Finnish universities) more diverse and inclusive. We welcome new committee members! FinDiP will have the annual general meeting on the 15th of May 2023 at 10am Finnish Summertime. The meeting is organized online in Zoom and is open to everybody interested in participating!
FinDiP is run by a small board of researchers interested in diversity issues. We are looking for new board members and new ideas for national-level activities and diversity engagement. We are particularly keen to include colleagues from different career stages as well different Finnish universities and support the physics diversity and wellbeing groups operating locally.
If you would like to get familiar with FinDiP activities, feel free to contact any of the board members for further information. For participating the meeting, please contact Tuuli Miinalainen (tuuli.miinalainen(at) or Milica Todorovic (milica.todorovic(at) for obtaining the Zoom link.