Physics Days

Physics Days (Fysiikan päivät) are the annual meeting of the Finnish Physical Society.  It is an important tradition gathering together physicists working in Finland to network and share the knowledge of physics research and applications done in Finland and also world-wide. Days also engage school kids, organizes an exhibition and a Studia Generalia and hosts the division and working group meetings. The days have been organised since 1948 when the first meeting was held in Helsinki. Back then Physics Days occurred less frequently but since 1972 they have been an annual event.  

Physics Days carry traditionally a theme that aims at bridging across the fields. Examples of the past themes include “Dimensions of the Universe” (Turku, 2008), ”Physics on the crest of a wave” (Espoo, 2009), ” Sharing methods, exchanging ideas” (Helsinki, 2011), ”Light” (Joensuu, 2012), “Exploration and Discoveries“ (Helsinki, 2015), and  “Physics in Society” (Aalto, 2017), “Seeing the Invisible” (Turku 2018), and “Enjoying Physics” (Helsinki 2019). The 54th Physics Days “State of the SmART Science” were planned to organized 17-19 March 2020 in Kuopio by University of Eastern Finland. The Days were cancelled due to COVID-19, “One Physics -All Sizes” (University of Jyväskylä, online, 24-26.3.2021), “Future leaders” (Aalto University, Helsinki/On-line, 2.-4.3.2022) , “Physics makes dreams come true” (Tampere University, 29-31.3.2023) and “Strangers united” (Helsinki University, 4.-6.3.2024)

Physics Days 2025

Physics Days – Fysiikan päivät 2025 will be organized in the Linnanmaa campus of the University of Oulu (Pentti Kaiteran katu 1) on March 26-28, 2025. The webpage of the conference can be found at

The theme of Physics Days 2025 is “Spinning Around”. The conference will cover a broad range of topics in physics with sessions focusing on computational science, models and phenomenology, machine learning and artificial intelligence, education and outreach, observations, and experiments and infrastructures.

Registration and submission of abstracts to Physics Days 2025 is now open and closes on Thursday, January 30th, 2025. Instructions and links can be found at the conference website.

Physics Days 2025 is jointly organized by the University of Oulu – NANOMO, NMR and Space Physics and Astronomy Research Units –  and the Finnish Physical Society.

If you have any questions concerning the conference, please contact the organizers at: matti(dot)silveri(at)oulu(dot)fi